So... if you haven't noticed, we're in the process of having a little work done. Just a nip here & a tuck there - basically a minor little face lift & some general sprucing up. We are also in the process of a move, a virtual move that is. (Although, if everything goes according to plan, you won't even notice!)
Please bear with us while the changes are being made & hopefully everything will be back to normal in no time at all! In the meantime, to make sure you get all the latest updates, & to ensure you don't get lost along the way, be sure to subscribe to our feed HERE. (Even if you're already subscribed to the feed, please just do a double check, because we've had some feed issues lately & literally hundreds of subscribers have been un-subscribed!) & If you really LOVE us, don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook HERE (formerly known as being a Facebook Fan, I guess they decided that people would feel less committed if they simply "liked" things as opposed to becoming fans), "follow" the blog on Facebook HERE, or tweet with us HERE & HERE.
Thanks so much for your patience & understanding, & if you stumble across anything on the site that is acting a little "wonky," please let us know ASAP.
xoxo, C & K
p.s. If you're reading this post HERE, then that means you probably did get lost along the way. Be sure to head to our new-old address (I know, I know... has ALWAYS been our address, but when we made our "virtual" move, our address HERE became Have we confused yet? Don't worry about semantics - just head directly to See you there!)