Remember THIS giveaway? The one where we promised to invite one lucky reader (& 3 guests of their choosing) to the Disneyland Resort, for a fabulous & memorable experience on November 21st, 2009? Well, Round 1 of our giveaway is over & it's time to move onto Round 2 - the voting portion of our little game. Our anonymous panel spent the entire weekend reading & re-reading all of the entries, & came back to us with their absolute favorite Disney memories, stories & wishes. But, try as they might, they just couldn't narrow the list down to only 15. We couldn't blame them, we wish everyone could win! So here they are, our 17 finalists... Alison, Amanda, Angry Julie Monday, Eli's Lids, Found & Made Designs, Jennifer Gilmore, Jodie, Julie, Kristen {RAGE against the MINIVAN}, Laura, Libby, Maria, Momfluential, Petit Elefant, Qwendykay, Roxanne Hack & Stacey.
So now, the officially is in YOUR court. That's right! Choosing the winner is completely up to you, our readers. Read through all 17 of the memories, stories & wishes HERE. Then, don't forget the very most important part... vote for you favorite below! Polls will close at Midnight PST, Monday, October 26th, 2009.
Dang. But yay for the lucky ladies! Wait, was there a guy in that list? Off to read the stories. *B
go qwendy!!! you rock! <3
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