Project Playhouse debuted in 1992 and has become HomeAid Orange County's signature fundraiser. In 18 years, the event has raised more than $5 million to help the organization fulfill its mission to build and maintain dignified housing where homeless families and individuals can rebuild their lives.Over the next couple of weeks you can "tour" the playhouses weekends, from noon until 6pm. The cost is $10 per person (according to their website, but they charged me just $5 per person), children ages 3 & under are free. You can buy tickets at the Irvine Spectrum Center or online HERE. (Just realize, that you can't actually "tour" each playhouse. It's more like a sneak peak through the Dutch door.) Don't worry, you don't have to necessarily "tour" the playhouses to get a view. Even though the playhouses are closed during the week, you can still catch a good look at their exteriors. &, If you are just itching to buy a playhouse of your very own, the entire event culminates with the public auction of all the Project Playhouses.
The success of Project Playhouse is attributed to the incredibly generous builder teams who donate their time, talent and resources to construct each fantasy cottage. These whimsical playhouses contain working electrical systems and include such amenities as flat screen TVs, entertainment systems and video game players.
For more information go HERE.
xoxo, K
LOL....I'm cracking up. I didn't even check my reader today until now. We both did Project Playhouse posts...
Thanks for the press! The cost is actually $5/person, under 3 free for the remaining weekends. We built the most colorful one :) our website is
Keep up the good work!
J Steele
Thanks J Steele for pointing out the price difference. on the website they say the ticket price is $10, but they did only charge me $5.
xoxo, K
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